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About Plant Ahead Ohio - the PAO story
In July of 2019, Dr. Lauren Schroeder wrote a letter to the Editor of the Youngstown Vindicator calling upon the people of the Mahoning Valley to stand together in a Grassroots organizing effort to address the “...worst climate crisis since the Yucatan Asteroid killed ...75% of the living plants and animals on the earth…” by forming a local panel on climate warming “...that would develop rules and behaviors that reduce atmospheric carbon.”
Frank Bishop, an environmental activist who was inspired by Dr. Schroeder’s letter, called a meeting on Sunday, July 21, 2019 in Schweitzer Lounge at the First Unitarian Universalist Church of Youngstown at 12:30 PM to organize the Mahoning Valley Panel on Climate Warming (MVPCW). There were a succession of meetings n which we worked as (MVPCW). Meetings in which interested parties laid out their plans for the would-be organization. There was a meeting in which Dr. Schroeder explained the dangers of climate warming and how it worked; meetings in which potential members and other organization heads laid out their plans to confront climate warming along with sustainability; meetings with organizations and institutions with which we now work closely.
Finally, we all agreed to the Mission statement of the MVPCW as determined by Dr. Schroeder was to “Engage citizens, government, business, and universities to establish a zero atmospheric carbon balance for the Mahoning Valley.” Then we began the branding process to come up with a name that would be easy to remember and less cumbersome than Mahoning Valley Panel on Climate Warming or MVPCW. After much discussion we came up with Plant Ahead and we added Ohio because another group was incorporated under the name Plant Ahead. So officially we are registered as Plant Ahead Ohio. Our name reflects our purpose which is threefold:
1) Plant the seed of a Green Environment and Economy in the minds of many through education
2) Plant trees, and act to conserve the environment and sequester all greenhouse gasses through political actions
3) Plan Ahead by anticipating what problems may arise that compromise the environment and our place in it as a member of the human species and the interdependent web of existence
Presently we are working toward becoming a 501(c)3. Our fiscal agent is Trumbull Neighborhood Partnership (TNP) and we have partnered with TNP, Treez Please of Youngstown, Mahoning County Landbank, Summit Academy, YSU Legacy Forests, and Citizen's Climate Lobby-Mahoning Valley, among others to plant trees, plant pollinator wild flowers, and educate about Climate Warming, sustainability, and organic gardening .
We'd love for you to get involved. Get in touch! Check out some of our projects below.
Let’s Work Together
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facebook Group: 330-269-5154
Our 2-page trifold brochure can be downloaded as a single PDF file and printed
download Plant Ahead Ohio brochure
Our Projects Our Collaborations - view
projects that PAO worked on collaborative efforts with other groups in the community

tree give-away
tree giveaway
Mini-forest, Hall Street, Warren
This is our latest project. We are collaborating with Trumbull Neighborhood Partnership. The location is on Hall Street in Warren Ohio. We will plant a mini forest of 85 trees on this lot.
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Summit Academy Mini-forest
Warren, Ohio - begun as part of 2019 gardening project
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Our Collaborations
Tree Planting
tree planting
Treez Please provided the trees for this first tree-planting by Plant Ahead Ohio
Tree Planting
tree planting
PAO joined in this effort of tree planting with at Millcreek - Colliers - Preserve along with Millcreek Park, Legacy Forest...
Operation Pollinator
{story coming soon}
Organized by the Rotary Club of Youngtown, Operation Pollination is a community group focused on connecting local partners such as Mill Creek MetroParks, Mahoning County Land Bank, Ohio Division of Wildlife, FirstEnergy, and many others to highlight the importance of pollinator habitats through education, volunteer projects, and local outreach.
To become involved or to learn more about Operation Pollination and Monarch Waystations, please refer to:
details found here: