mini forest of trees to be planted in Warren, Ohio
This is our latest project. We are collaborating with Trumbull Neighborhood Partnership. The location is on Hall Street in Warren, Ohio. We will plant a mini forest of 85 trees on this lot.

Friday, April 22, 11:00 am - 2:00 pm
682 Hall St NW, Warren, OH 44483
Public · FREE
Tree Planting Party Warren Ohio Earthday April 22, 2022
Tree planting demo by Plant Ahead Ohio Inc.(PAO) w/ assistance of Trumbull Neighborhood Partnership (TNP)
Help plant trees for Hall Street reforestation initiative
Tree Give-away
Learn about climate change and how planting trees can help
Learn about reforesting your neighborhood to help protect the planet
Donuts, pizza, sandwiches, and refreshments available while supplies last!
If you can, please bring work gloves and a shovel.
How does planting trees help to combat global climate change?

Here's your hint....photosynthesis.
And here's your opportunity to learn more....
If you'd like to learn more about planting trees, combating global climate change by planting trees, or reforesting the vacant lots in your neighborhood, please come to Plant Ahead Ohio's tree planting community event! It's the perfect way to celebrate Mother Earth on Earth Day. Everyone is welcome!
At the event, there will be
Tree Planting Demonstrations
Tree Planting Volunteer Opportunities
Tree Giveaways
Details at FB Event: